
Fantasy and Speculative Short Stories

Burnt Forest

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Two small squirrel like animals were chasing each other. One happened to catch the other and they rolled across the gently sloping grass covered hill.
A mechanical hiss startled both animals from their frivolity. They darted away towards the nearest tree. The slower of the two barely making it out from under the edge of a heavy ramp. It was corrugated for easier purchase during bad weather evacs.
The animals chittered at the loud thing. It was a massive object. Brutal in its design. No consideration to form, function was the only aesthetic that mattered to its designer.
Shapes began to pour down the ramp. The beings had more in common with the thing they were leaving than the two animals watching.
Strange noises emanated from the area where a head should be. Instead of eyes, there were reflective black holes. Emotionless, soulless black stared back at the animals.
One of the thing walked towards the forest. It was several dozen trees away from the animals, so they watched with trepidation. A limb reached up behind the thing and pulled something from the back.
The thing pointed it at the trees. Fire leapt towards the tree. The thing was waving it back and forth across the trees.
The animals screamed.
One of the being’s face voids turned towards the animals. The arms pointed in their general direction. Another being stepped forward. He reached behind him.
The two animals raced through the tress, away from the beings. Hoping to outrun the destruction. Hoping they could find someone or something to confront the things that destroyed their home.

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